Show and Tell!

You know that UELMA post-conference feeling, when your batteries are recharged, you’re brimming with new ideas from other librarians, and just can’t wait to implement them in your own space?

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could have that little kick start of creativity every day? How would you like to take a virtual field trip to libraries across the state, so you could see the innovative and creative things your fellow librarians are doing?

It’s possible! Just follow the hashtag #UELMAshowandtell to see a variety of ideas from our fantastic UELMA members!

This will only work if you are willing to share the great things happening in your library space.

Did you just create a display that you’re really proud of?

Did your last book club meeting knock it out of the park?

Do you have an innovative idea for collaborating with your faculty?

Share it on Instagram or Twitter with our hashtag so your fellow librarians can find it!

We’ll also keep an eye out and repost things on our UELMA Instagram, so if you don’t already follow us, please do so @uelma_librarians.

To give you an idea of where to start, we’ll be choosing a theme for each month. This month’s theme is displays. It could be book genres, how you show what your teachers are reading to create a reading community, or anything you do to liven up your space!

So snap a quick picture of something in your library right now, and share it with our hashtag.

Let’s get this virtual show and tell started!

Check this library for inspiration! Reading gets your Wheels Turning!